Products & Services

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Autoclave Vertical Type

Double walled construction with Inner chamber made of Heavy Gauge Stainless Steels sheet (SS 304) and outer made of polished stainless steel sheet with Air insulation.
Lid is made of stainless steel plate with pedal lifting arrangement and is tightened all-round by wing nuts,
Moulded joint less gaskets are made of Neoprene rubber.
Sterilizer is hydraulically tested upto 40psi.
Autoclave Lid is fitted with pressure gauge, Air/steam release cock, spring loaded safety valve which can be set at any selected point from 10 psi. to 20 psi +/-3 psi, and drain.
ISI marked immersion heating element heats the water.
Suitable to work on single phase 220 Volts, 50 cycles AC supply

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Constructed out of Galvanized Steel Epoxy Powder coated (or) Stainless Steel (SS 304).
Suitable for general microbiological work with agents assigned to Bio safety levels 1,2 or 3.
Incorporates HEPA filters of minimum collection efficiency 99.99% for particles of size down to 0.3 micron.
The Front Panel slope allows for maximum visibility into the work zone.
Worktop made of SS 304.
The clear polycarbonate front sash provides greater operator protection from harmful UV rays.
The front ash is counter balanced for up and down movements.
30% HEPA filtered exhaust air leaks into the laboratory & 70% HEPA filtered air comes down after filtration into the work zone.
White light and UV lights are located outside of the down flow air stream to ensure optimum airflow uniformity.
The contaminated air is initially pre filtered before recirculation and the contaminated air inside the work zone from the common plenum is connected to the blower chamber for exhausting through exhaust HEPA filter

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Deep Freezer (Ultra Low Research Cabinet) Vertical

Double walled units with inner Stainless Steel and outer Mild Steel with powder coat finish.
The unit is highly insulated by PUFF.
Temperature range from ambient to -20° C (or) -40°C and is achieved by hermetically sealed compressor.
Temperature is controlled by Digital Temperature Controller cum Indicator.
Compressors are Eco friendly and CFC free.
Suitable to operate on 220/230 Volts, 1 ph, 50 Hz, AC supply

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Digital Hot Air Oven

Double walled construction.
Inner SS & Outer M.S. Powder coated.
Temperature Ranges from 50 to 250°C + 1°C.
Temperature controlled by Digital Temperature Controller cum Indicator.
Forced Air circulation fitted in the backside maintains uniform temperature throughout the chamber.
Glass wool Insulation for the chambers and doors.
Suitable to operate on single Phase, 230 volts, 50 Hz

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Horizontal Laminar Flow Bench

Designed to meet the requirements of US federal Standard 209B (BS 5295) providing particle free air to meet class 100 (Class conditions).
Cabinets is fabricated out of commercial plywood.
Interior surfaces are epoxy painted for its longer life.
Working table is made of Stainless Steel top.
Side panels are made out of thick transparent plexi glass.
Unit is fitted with pre-filter and HEPA filter.
Air is drawn through pre-filter and is made to pass through highly effective HEPA (High Efficiency Particular Air) filters having efficiency rating as high as 99.99% with cold DOP and 99.97% with hot DOP, thus retaining al air-borne particles of size 0.3micron and larger.
Using a dynamic machine, the blower and motor assembly is statically & dynamically balanced.
Motor of 1/5 HP capacity operates with minimum noise level.
Working area is illuminated by fluorescent lighting fitted to the unit.
Supplied complete with SS table top, transparent Front Door, Pressure Manometer, Built in UV germicidal light and cock for gas, air or vacuum line, HEPA filters and pre-filter.
To work on 220/230 volts, AC supply

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Tissue Culture Rack

Made out of tubular Aluminium pipe duly painted for longer life.
Each rack of size 48” x 21” (depth) is covered with thick unbreakable plexi glass.
Distance between each rack is 15”.
Each Rack is fitted with 4 fluorescent tubes.
Electronic chokes are fitted to unit in order to avoid heat dissipation inside the room.
To work on 220 / 230 volts AC supply.
Fitted with Individual ON/OFF switch for each tube.
Fitted with 0-24 hrs. programmable timer

Aggregate Impact Tester * Analytical Balance * Analytical Balance (Shimadzu Imported) * Analytical Instruments * Autoclave Poratble * Autoclave Vertical Type * Automatic Tissue Processor * B. O. D. Incubator * Bactereological Incubator * Bacteriological Incubator * Bacteriologicil Incubator * Barnstead Type Water Still * Biosafety * Bod Incubators * Bunsen Burner * Carbon And Sulphur Determinatin Apparatus * Cbr Apparatus * Centrifuge Machine * Chemistry Or Biochemistry Or Analytical Lab Instruments * Circulators Bath * Cleaveland Open Cup Flash And Fire Point Apparatus * Cod Apparatus (Mantle Type) With Glass Parts * Cod Apparatus (Mantle Type) With Glass Parts (Open Reflux Method) * Constant Temperature Bath * Copper Strip Corrosion Test Apparatus * Cryostat Microtome * Cube Compression Testing Machine (Single Pressure Gauge) * Cube Mould With Base Plate * Cup Count Anemometer * Deep Freezer (Ultra Low Research Cabinet) Vertical * Digital Anemometer * Digital Bomb Calorimeters With Printer * Digital Conudcitivty Meter * Digital Conudcitivty Meter Table Mount Model * Digital Flow Meter * Digital Hot Air Oven * Digital Lux Meter * Digital Microscope (Upgraded) (Usb Rca And Video) * Digital Ph Meter * Digital Sound Level Meter * Dissolved Oxygen Meter * Distillation Apparatus * Ductility Test Apparatus * Environmental Chamber * Eutech (Imported) Multiparameter Handheld Meter * Eutech Table Top Ph Meter * Eutech Table Top Ph Meter (Economical Basic Model) * Flame Photometer * Flexible Arm Illuminated Magnifier * Fortins Barometer * Fume Exhaust Hood * Furnace * General Lab Instruments * Heating Mantle * Horizontal Laminar Flow Bench * Hot Air Oven * Hot Plat * Hot Plate (Rectangular) * Hot Plates * Human Anatomical Models * Humidifier * Humidity Chambers * Humidity Control Ovens * Humidity Oven * Hygrograph * Incubator * Kinematic Viscosity Bath * Knife Sharpener * Lab Incubator * Laboratory Apparatus * Laboratory Autoclaves * Laboratory Equipment * Laboratory Freezers * Laboratory Furnaces * Laboratory Hot Plates * Laboratory Incubator * Laboratory Incubators * Laboratory Instruments * Laboratory Machinery * Laboratory Ovens * Laboratory Scientific Instruments * Laboratory Shakers * Laboratory Stirrer * Laminar Air Flow * Laminar Flow * Leak Test Apparatus * Liquid Flow Meters * Liquid Level Indicator * Low Temperature Bath * Low Temperature Shaking Bath * Machinery Growth Chambesr * Machinery Growth Cooling Chambers * Magnetic Stirrer * Manesty Type Water Still * Melting Point Apparatus * Melting Point Appartus * Metereological Instruments * Microbiology And Biotech Lab Instruments * Microprocessor Based Water And Soil Analysis Kit * Microprocessor Flame Photometer * Microslide Cabinet * Microtome * Muffle Furnace * Multiparameter Handheld Meter * Oil Bath * Open Pan Evaporimeter * Optolab Inverted Tissue Culture Microscope * Orbital Shaker * Orbital Shaking Incubator * Pathology Or Histopathology Lab Instruments * Pathology Instruments * Photostability Chamber * Plant Growth Chambesr * Plant Growth Cooling Chambers * Platform Shaker * Pour Point Apparatus * Pour Point Bath * Products * Profile Projector * Randd Lab Instruments * Rapid Moisture Tester * Rate Meters * Rectangular Hot Plate * Rectangular Vacuum Oven * Redwood Viscometer * Rota Mantle * Rotary Vacuum Flash Evaporator * Rotary Vacuum Flash Evaporator (Buchi Type) With Vertical Condenser * Round Hot Plates * Round Vacuum Oven * Science Laboratory Equipment * Science Laboratory Machinery * Self Recording Rain Gauge * Semi Automatic Pensky Martens Flash Point Apparatus * Serological Bath * Serological Water Bath * Shaking Bath * Sieve Shakers * Soil Cement Concrete Lab Instruments * Soxhelete Unit * Soxhelete Units * Spectrophotometer * Standard Penetrometer * Stevenson Screen * Sunshine Recorders * Surgical Water Bath * Tap Density Apparatus * Thermograph * Thermostatic Water Bath With Concentric Rings * Tissue Culture Rack * Tissue Floatation Bath * Tray Drier * U. V. Cabinet * Uv Spectrophotometer * Vacuum Oven * Vicat Needle Apparatus * Viscocity Bath * Water Bath * Water Baths * Water Still * Incubators (Bod Incubators) * Scientific (Machinery Growth Coolings Chambers) * Scientific (Plant Growth Coolings Chambers) * Vacuum Ovens * Stability Chambers * Walk In Stability Chamber